Remolea is located 48 kms down the Condamine River from Warwick, 24 kms west of Clifton and 64 kms south of Toowoomba. Established in 1962 after a history of breeding pure bred Hereford and Poll Hereford commercial cattle, for some 25 years prior. Remolea is now in its third generation of management.
Originally, Remolea participated in multi-vendor sales, where bulls would be trucked to Glen Innes, Roma, Tenterfield and in earlier years, Warwick. We are very excited to be celebrating our 10th On Property Annual Bull Sale in 2023. We appreciate the preparation of our sale bulls where they run under commercial conditions and in large management groups. We believe that this allows for evenness, longevity, and accuracy in performance data.
Our aim has always been to breed soft easy doing cattle. We place great emphasis on functional, fertile cattle, as they are run under commercial conditions. With the use of technology, we continuously strive to meet the market demand and boost MSA qualities. We believe in fertility through to palate, and all things in between create the final objective. Our priority is to create as much commercial practicality and profit across the supply chain.
At Remolea Poll Herefords we feel incredibly lucky that we get to do what we love. We’d love for you to take part in the Remolea Poll Herefords experience as Herefords are our business. For more information, get in touch!

304 O'Leary Road, Ellangowan, QLD, 4361
Hilary 0428 959 199 | Pat 0417 572 790